What's New
Photo of students sitting in front of the library
What's New
- Celebrating Martin Luther King Jr. and the Black History Month Book displays on the first floor of the Library and [1/21/2025]
- Celebrating NJCU Authors! - Displays on the first floor of the Library and featuring books by current NJCU authors in the Library collection. Displays run from Dec. 2024 to the end of Jan. 2025. [12/2/2024]
- Native American Heritage Month (Nov. 1-Nov. 30) Book Displays on the first floor of the Library and online. [11/4/2024]
- Library blog has on the Hispanic Heritage Month [9/23/2024]
- National Hispanic Heritage Month (Sept. 15 - Oct. 15) Book Displays in the Library [9/18/2024]
Celebrating the National Hispanic Heritage Month at the Congressman Frank J. Guarini Library with books of classic Hispanic literature, notable biographies, and graphic novels! Come to visit in-person on the first floor of the Library or view the display online. Students, faculty, and staff can use their Gothic ID cards to check out the print books from the Library, and access the eBooks for free from their computers, phones, or tablets.
Newly Expanded Databases [8/20/2024]
Newly expanded Gale databases include resources such as:
- (a much enlarged collection)
New Database [7/16/2024]
- (Gale Research Complete provides subscription access to the largest package of primary and secondary sources available to libraries today, covering journals, newspapers, eBooks, literature resources and archives. Empowering users at all academic levels, from the undergraduate student to the experienced researcher, and covering nearly every research area and discipline, Gale Research Complete offers high quality, authoritative and unique content.)
New Database [3/14/2024]
- (Elsevier's ScienceDirect College Edition contains almost two thousand peer-reviewed full-text journals in the health & life sciences, physical sciences, and social & behavioral sciences. Coverage for most journals begins in 1996 and runs through the present with no embargo.)
New Databases [3/3/2023]
Through collaboration with , a statewide electronic resources program offered by the ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉú State Library, we have added and/or re-instated the following databases:
- (The database provides tools and guidance on jobs, careers, and practice for college entrance exams and civil service job exams.)
- (This full-text database covers nursing and allied health topics, including pediatric nursing, critical care, mental health, nursing management, medical law and more.)
- (This database provides information on. It provides access to nearly 80 full text, consumer health magazines on topics such as medical sciences, food sciences and nutrition, childcare, sports medicine and general health)
- (This database contains full-text publications and legal forms, with a majority of the resources through Nolo, a well-established provider of legal information for consumers and small businesses.)
- (This database offers a collection of periodicals, academic journals, and other content current news pertaining to all branches of the military and government.)
- (This database includes millions of full-text newspapers articles, and more 857,000 television and radio news transcripts.)
We also added the following EBSCO databases:
- (This database provides near real-time access to top world-wide news such as Associated Press, United Press International, CNN Wire, and Business Wire on a continuous basis. The index to the full text content is held for a rolling 30-day archive.)
- (This is an open-access database providing researchers with citations to graduate research across a span of time, from the early 20th century to the present, this database will continue to grow through regular updates and new partnerships with graduate degree-granting institutions.)
Recent EDI e-Books [8/18/2022]
The following EDI e-books are available to access through the Library's online catalog
Title | Author | Publisher | Pub Year |
A Primer on Minority Serving Institutions | Andrés Castro Samayoa-Marybeth Gasman | Routledge | 2019 |
Accessibility and Diversity in the 21st Century University | Gary A. Berg-Linda Venis | Information Science Reference | 2020 |
An Illustrated Guide to Managing Institutions of Higher Education : For New Leaders and New Institutions | Fiona Hunter-Neil Sparnon-Ursula Bevan Hunter | Brill | 2021 |
Antiracist Writing Assessment Ecologies : Teaching and Assessing Writing for a Socially Just Future | Asao B. Inoue | Parlor Press, LLC | 2015 |
At the Crossroads of Pedagogical Change in Higher Education : Exploring the Work of Faculty Developers | Melanie N. Burdick-Heidi L. Hallman | Routledge | 2022 |
At the Intersection : Understanding and Supporting First-Generation Students | Robert Longwell-Grice-Hope Longwell-Grice | Stylus Publishing | 2021 |
Becoming a Diversity Leader on Campus : Navigating Identity and Situational Pressures | Eugene T. Parker III | Routledge | 2022 |
Black Faculty in the Academy : Narratives for Negotiating Identity and Achieving Career Success | Fred A. Bonner II-aretha faye marbley-Frank Tuitt-Petra A. Robinson-Rosa M. Banda-Robin L. Hughes | Routledge | 2015 |
Black Women Speaking From Within : Essays and Experiences in Higher Education | Hope, Kelly K. | Peter Lang Inc., International Academic Publishers | 2018 |
Breakaway Learners : Strategies for Post-secondary Success with At-risk Students | Gross, Karen | Teachers College Press | 2017 |
Breaking Down Silos for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) : Teaching and Collaboration Across Disciplines | Stephanie L. Burrell Storms-Sarah K. Donovan-Theodora P. Williams | Rowman & Littlefield Publishers | 2020 |
Building Behavior : The Educator′s Guide to Evidence-Based Initiatives | Jessica Djabrayan Hannigan-John E. Hannigan | Corwin | 2020 |
Campus Service Workers Supporting First-Generation Students : Informal Mentorship and Culturally Relevant Support As Key to Student Retention and Success | Georgina Guzmán-La’Tonya Rease Miles-Stephanie Santos Youngblood | Routledge | 2021 |
Centering Women of Color in Academic Counterspaces : A Critical Race Analysis of Teaching, Learning, and Classroom Dynamics | Annemarie Vaccaro-Melissa J. Camba-Kelsay | Lexington Books | 2016 |
Clearing the Path for First-Generation College Students : Qualitative and Intersectional Studies of Educational Mobility | Ashley C. Rondini-Bedelia Nicola Richards-Nicolas P. Simon | Lexington Books | 2018 |
College Belonging : How First-year and First-Generation Students Navigate Campus Life | Lisa M. Nunn | Rutgers University Press | 2021 |
College Student Self-Efficacy Research Studies | Terence Hicks-Michael McFrazier | UPA | 2014 |
College Students' Sense of Belonging : A Key to Educational Success for All Students | Terrell L. Strayhorn | Routledge | 2019 |
College Success for Students with Disabilities : A Guide to Finding and Using Resources, with Real-World Stories | Irene Ingersoll | McFarland | 2016 |
Community Colleges and First-Generation Students : Academic Discourse in the Writing Classroom | Jan Osborn | Palgrave Macmillan | 2015 |
Complete the Agenda in Higher Education : Challenge Beliefs ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉú Student Success | Lee Ann Nutt-Latoya Hardman | Rowman & Littlefield Publishers | 2019 |
Confronting Equity and Inclusion Incidents on Campus : Lessons Learned and Emerging Practices | Hannah Oliha-Donaldson | Routledge | 2021 |
Cooperative Learning for Intercultural Classrooms : Case Studies for Inclusive Pedagogy | Kate Ferguson-Patrick-Wendy Jolliffe | Routledge | 2018 |
Creating Campus Cultures : Fostering Success Among Racially Diverse Student Populations | Samuel D. Museus-Uma M. Jayakumar | Routledge | 2012 |
Critical Assessment and Strategies for Increased Student Retention | Black, Ruth Claire | Information Science Reference | 2018 |
Critical Praxis in Student Affairs : Social Justice in Action | Susan B. Marine-Chelsea Gilbert | Stylus Publishing | 2022 |
Critical Race Theory: Black Athletic Sporting Experiences in the United States | Billy J. Hawkins-Akilah R. Carter-Francique-Joseph N. Cooper | Palgrave Macmillan | 2017 |
Crossing the Finish Line : How to Retain and Graduate Your Students | Alan Seidman | Rowman & Littlefield Publishers | 2018 |
Culturally Responsive Teaching and Learning in Higher Education | Tripp, L. Octavia-IGI Global.-Collier, Rhonda M.-Information Science Reference (Publisher) | Information Science Reference | 2020 |
Designing Intersectional Online Education : Critical Teaching and Learning Practices | Xeturah M. Woodley-Mary F. Rice | Routledge | 2022 |
Developing an Intercultural Responsive Leadership Style for Faculty and Administrators | Ashley D. Spicer-Runnels-Teresa E. Simpson | Information Science Reference | 2020 |
Diverse Administrators in Peril : The New Indentured Class in Higher Education | Edna Chun-Alvin Evans | Routledge | 2016 |
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity in Contemporary Higher Education | Jeffries, Rhonda B.-IGI Global | Information Science Reference | 2019 |
Educational Challenges at Minority Serving Institutions | Marybeth Gasman-Andrés Castro Samayoa-William Casey Boland-Paola "Lola" Esmieu | Routledge | 2018 |
Engaging the "Race Question": Accountability and Equity in U.S. Higher Education | Alicia C. Dowd-Estela Mara Bensimon | Teachers College Press | 2015 |
Equity and Inclusion in Higher Education : Strategies for Teaching | Rita Kumar-Brenda Refaei | University of Cincinnati Press | 2021 |
Exploring Campus Diversity : Case Studies and Exercises | Sherwood Thompson-Pam Parry | Rowman & Littlefield Publishers | 2018 |
Faculty of Color Navigating Higher Education | Karen Harris Brown-Patricia Alvarez McHatton-Michelle Frazier Trotman Scott | Rowman & Littlefield Publishers | 2016 |
First-Generation College Students : Understanding and Improving the Experience From Recruitment to Commencement | Lee Ward-Michael J. Siegel-Zebulun Davenport | Jossey-Bass | 2012 |
Fostering Success of Ethnic and Racial Minorities in STEM : The Role of Minority Serving Institutions | Robert T. Palmer-Dina C. Maramba-Marybeth Gasman | Routledge | 2012 |
Funds of Knowledge in Higher Education : Honoring Students’ Cultural Experiences and Resources As Strengths | Judy Marquez Kiyama-Cecilia Rios-Aguilar | Routledge | 2017 |
Geographies of Campus Inequality : Mapping the Diverse Experiences of First-Generation Students | Janel E. Benson-Elizabeth M. Lee | Oxford University Press | 2020 |
Handbook of Research on Assessment Practices and Pedagogical Models for Immigrant Students | Keengwe, Jared-IGI Global-Onchwari, Grace | Information Science Reference | 2019 |
Higher Education Administration for Social Justice and Equity : Critical Perspectives for Leadership | Adrianna Kezar-Julie Posselt | Routledge | 2020 |
Higher Education and First-Generation Students : Cultivating Community, Voice, and Place for the New Majority | R. Jehangir | Palgrave Macmillan | 2010 |
Higher Education, Pedagogy and Social Justice : Politics and Practice | Kelly Freebody-Susan Goodwin-Helen Proctor | Palgrave Macmillan | 2019 |
Higher Education: Financial Concerns and Minority-Serving Institutions | Wieck, Lilian | SNOVA | 2019 |
How Protective Factors Mitigate Risk and Facilitate Academic Resilience Among Poor Minority College Students | Morales, Erik E. | Nova Science Publishers, Inc. | 2010 |
I Can Finish College : The Overcome Any Obstacle and Get Your Degree Guide | Cantarella, Marcia Y. | Sourcebooks | 2012 |
Increasing Persistence : Research-based Strategies for College Student Success | Wesley R. Habley-Jennifer L. Bloom-Steve Robbins | Jossey-Bass | 2012 |
International Students and Academic Libraries : Initiatives for Success | Sullivan, Patrick-Jackson, Pamela A. | Association of College and Research Libraries | 2011 |
Minority Student Retention : The Best of the "Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice" | Alan Seidman | Routledge | 2016 |
Multiracial Experiences in Higher Education : Contesting Knowledge, Honoring Voice, and Innovating Practice | Marc P. Johnston-Guerrero-Charmaine L. Wijeyesinghe | Stylus Publishing | 2021 |
Overcoming Challenges and Creating Opportunity for African American Male Students | Jennifer T. Butcher-Johnny R. O'Connor Jr.-Freddie Titus | Information Science Reference | 2019 |
Profiles of Academic Library Efforts to Enhance Student Retention | Holderman, Sharon-Primary Research Group | Primary Research Group Inc. | 2019 |
Promoting Equity and Justice Through Pedagogical Partnership | Alise de Bie-Elizabeth Marquis-Alison Cook-Sather-Leslie Luqueño | Stylus Publishing | 2021 |
Promoting Ethnic Diversity and Multiculturalism in Higher Education | Barbara Blummer-Jeffrey M. Kenton-Michael Wiatrowski | Information Science Reference | 2018 |
Pursuing Quality, Access, and Affordability : A Field Guide to Improving Higher Education | Ehrmann, Stephen C. | Stylus Publishing | 2021 |
Racial Battle Fatigue in Higher Education : Exposing the Myth of Post-Racial America | Kenneth J. Fasching-Varner-Katrice A. Albert-Roland W. Mitchell-Chaunda Allen | Rowman & Littlefield Publishers | 2015 |
Racial Equity on College Campuses : Connecting Research and Practice | Royel M. Johnson-Uju Anya-Liliana M. Garces | SUNY Press | 2022 |
Ready, Willing, and Able : A Developmental Approach to College Access and Success | Mandy Savitz-Romer-Suzanne Bouffard | Harvard Education Press | 2012 |
Rethinking LGBTQIA Students and Collegiate Contexts : Identity, Policies, and Campus Climate | Eboni M. Zamani-Gallaher-Devika Dibya Choudhuri-Jason L. Taylor | Routledge | 2020 |
Spirituality, Community, and Race Consciousness in Adult Higher Education : Breaking the Cycle of Racialization | Timothy Paul Westbrook | Routledge | 2017 |
Student Engagement Techniques : A Handbook for College Faculty | Elizabeth F. Barkley-Claire H. Major | Jossey-Bass | 2020 |
Survey of Best Practices in Student Retention, 2019-20 Edition | Primary Research Group, Inc. | Primary Research Group, Inc. | 2019 |
The College Dropout Scandal | David Kirp | Oxford University Press | 2019 |
The Empowered Professor: Breaking the Unspoken Codes of Inequity in Academia | Dana Mitra | Teachers College Press | 2022 |
The State of College Access and Completion : Improving College Success for Students From Underrepresented Groups | Laura W. Perna-Anthony Jones | Routledge | 2013 |
The Truly Diverse Faculty : New Dialogues in American Higher Education | S. Fryberg-E. MartÃnez | Palgrave Macmillan | 2014 |
Untold Stories : The Latinx Leadership Experience in Higher Education | Peter Rios | Wipf and Stock | 2021 |
Using ESL Students’ First Language to Promote College Success : Sneaking the Mother Tongue Through the Backdoor | Andrea Parmegiani | Routledge | 2019 |
When Grit Isn't Enough : A High School Principal Examines How Poverty and Inequality Thwart the College-for-All Promise | Linda F. Nathan | Beacon Press | 2017 |
Working While Black: The Untold Stories of Student Affairs Practitioners | Antione D. Tomlin | Information Age Publishing | 2022 |
- Due to unsustainable price increases and the availability of cost-free alternatives, the Library’s subscription to RefWorks will be cancelled effective September 30, 2022. Please use this to export your references/files in the RefWorks to either Zotero or Mendeley. [6/29/2022]
- As of 10/12/2021, please use 201-576-8072 for SMS (Text a Librarian). The old number is no longer in service. [10/12/2021]
- OSCAR to be Discontinued in Fall 2021. With the start of the Fall 2021 semester, will replace OSCAR as the library's online catalog. This change is part of a larger behind-the-scenes transition from our SirsiDynix Integrated Library System to OCLC's Worldshare Management Services.
Please use as you formerly used OSCAR - to search for relevant library materials on your topic using any combination of keywords, subjects, authors, or titles. The key difference between the two systems is that OSCAR only searched our library's physical collections, but a search includes results from both print and electronic library holdings.
filters can limit search results to include only print books, e-books, fulltext content, or peer-reviewed journal articles depending on your research needs. Shelf locations, call numbers, and availability statements display within the item record for circulating books, reference books, and DVDs. E-books and e-journal articles can be downloaded or accessed directly from within the item record.
can also help identify information available in other libraries worldwide. Many of these books and journal articles can be requested using our Inter-Library Loan service.
We hope that our new library system will improve access to our print and electronic collections and enhance the research experiences of NJCU students, faculty, and staff.If you need any assistance, please reach out to us via Ask A Librarian
is a new online service using Libanswers platform. In addition to the live chat and other online reference services, it also has a knowledge based FAQ to help find answers to frequently asked questions. [4/21/2021]