Faculty & Staff Directory

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F-106 201-200-3494

Allen Farnham

Music, Dance and Theatre
R-234 201-200-3151

Nanique Farquharson-Mason

A. Harry Moore School
AHM203A 201-200-3138

Melissa Faulkner

Career Planning and Placement
V-01 201-200-2181

Amy Faus

P-219 201-200-3431
K 304 201-200-3338
P-219 201-200-3431

Katie Feehan

Criminal Justice
P-220 201-200-3492

Ruth Fenelus

A. Harry Moore School
AHM203A 201-200-3138
A-120 201-200-3214

Madeline Fermin

H-207 201-200-3234

Jorge Fernandez

H-207 201-200-3226

Lizzette Fernandez

Literacy Education
P-345 201-200-3521

Yesenia Fernandez

Latin American, Caribbean And Latino Studies
K 505 201-200-3412

Anabela Ferreira-Barbosa

P-414 201-200-2001

Carmen Ferrer

A. Harry Moore School
AHM203A 201-200-3138

Nicole Ferringo

Educational Leadership
R-536 201-200-2400

Rachel Fester

Institutional Effectiveness
H 321 201-200-3042

Jose Fial De Sousa

Maintenance Services
G-327 201-200-3191