Curriculum & Assessment Committees

好色先生 the Curriculum & Assessment Committees

Purpose: Each academic department within the School of Business has its own Curriculum & Assessment (C & A) Committee. This body is charged with ongoing analysis and oversight of curricular and assessment matters within the department. On the curricular level, this includes revisions of existing academic programs and courses as well as reviewing proposals for new courses and programs. Assessment responsibilities include the development and submission of annual assessment plans (October), the oversight of departmental assessment activities, the submission of annual assessment reports (May), and using assessment results to inform curricular revisions and development. On behalf of the C & A Committee, the committee chair delivers a report at each department meeting and, as appropriate, issues recommendations on curricular and assessment matters.

Membership & Term of Service: Membership on the C & A Committee is determined via appointment by the Department Chairperson for a one academic-year term of service. Members serve at their pleasure and that of the Department Chairperson. All full-time faculty members within the department are eligible, and members may serve consecutive terms without limit. The Department C & A Committee should have at least three (3) but no more than five (5) members. The School of Business Program Specialist for Accreditation & Assessment may participate in C & A Committee meetings by invitation as an ex officio member.

Committee Chair: The C & A Committee is chaired by a member of the committee appointed by the Department Chairperson. Committee chairs are appointed for a one academic-year term and serve at their pleasure and that of the Department Chairperson. Responsibilities include setting the agenda for regular C & A Committee meetings (to be held separately from department meetings); ensuring that minutes are kept, circulated, and approved; providing reports at department meetings; and submitting assessment plans and reports (e.g., through the TK20 portal). Co-chairs are permitted according to the needs of the committee and the approval of the Department Chairperson.

School Curriculum & Assessment Committee

Purpose: The School Curriculum & Assessment Committee is charged with ongoing analysis and oversight of curricular and assessment matters at the School level (i.e., matters that affect more than just a single department). Curricular concerns include approval of proposals for new programs after they have been approved at the appropriate Department C & A Committee, revisions to School course offerings that relate to NJCU General Education or other graduation requirements, or any matters concerning the core curriculum within the School of Business. Assessment activities of the School Curriculum & Assessment Committee focus on the assessment of the core curriculum. On behalf of the School Curriculum & Assessment Committee, the committee chair issues recommendations on School curricular and assessment matters to the Dean and/or Department Chairs, as appropriate.

Membership & Term of Service: Each Department C & A Committee will determine, in collaboration with its Department Chairperson, one representative to serve on the School Curriculum & Assessment Committee. Term of service is one year, from November 1st through October 31st of the subsequent year, and representatives may serve consecutive terms without limit. 

Committee Chair: The School Curriculum & Assessment Committee is chaired by a member of the committee appointed by the Dean of the School of Business for a one-year term. This individual serves at their pleasure and that of the Dean. Responsibilities include setting the agenda for School Curriculum & Assessment Committee meetings on an as-needed basis; ensuring that minutes are kept, circulated among committee members, and approved; and providing updates to the Dean as necessary. The School of Business Program Specialist for Accreditation & Assessment serves as a permanent, ex officio committee member and is responsible for submitting School-level assessment plans and reports (e.g., through the TK20 portal) and providing updates to the Chairs and Deans.