Guidelines and Procedures for Requiring Face-to-Face Final Examinations for Online Courses

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Guidelines and Procedures for Requiring Face-to-Face Final Examinations for Online Courses

Policy Name: Guidelines and Procedures for Requiring Face-to-Face Final Examinations for Online Courses
Policy ID Number: 02-01-003
Version Effective Date: February 6, 2012
Last reviewed on: January 1, 2019
Policy Applies To: University wide
Responsible Office: Provost

Faculty members are discouraged from requiring face鈥恡o鈥恌ace examinations for online courses due to the fact that, by definition, online courses require no face鈥恡o鈥恌ace course meetings. It is recognized, however, that in some disciplines and/or for specific courses, it may be necessary, in rare circumstances, to require students to come to campus or to an off鈥恈ampus location to sit for a face鈥恡o鈥恌ace final examination. The following guidelines will apply when a face鈥恡o鈥恌ace final examination is deemed necessary for an online course.


OnCampus Examinations
Students can only be required to sit for a final examination for an online course when such examinations have been properly scheduled with the University Registrar's Office and appropriately announced in the Master Course List and/or GothicNet portal prior to course registration. Information for face鈥恡o鈥恌ace examinations must be submitted to the Registrar's Office at the time class is scheduled. Due to scheduling constraints on the NJCU campus, it may be necessary for the final examination to be scheduled on a Friday evening, Sunday or other time when classroom space is available. Online students, who live less than approximately 90 miles from campus as validated by the student's permanent address in PeopleSoft, will be required to come to the 好色先生 campus to take a final examination for a specific online course that has been scheduled according to the guidelines established by the University Registrar. Exceptions will be made for students who live more than approximately 90 miles from the NJCU campus. Students should discuss such exceptions with their faculty member who will provide test鈥恡aking accommodations or alternatives.

Online students who are enrolled at the Communiversity in Wall Township or at Harborside in Jersey City will take face鈥恡o鈥恌ace examinations at those locations rather than coming to the NJCU campus. The professor will provide Communiversity and Harborside students with information about examination locations. Penalties for cheating, plagiarism and other acts of academic dishonesty during online test taking will be addressed according to the guidelines set forth in NJCU's Academic Integrity Policy. See:

Students with a Documented Disability
Students with a documented disability who require testing accommodations must register with the Office of Specialized Services for Students with Disabilities (OSS). Students are required to submit appropriate and recent documentation of their disabilities to the Director of the OSS.

Documentation guidelines are outlined on the OSS website:

For further information, contact Jennifer Aitken, Director, Office of Specialized Services at 201鈥200鈥2557 or via e鈥恗ail at:

As deemed necessary or appropriate by the Policy Coordinator but at a minimum, at least every 5 years from the effective date.